Corporate Social Responsibility

Fursa Kijani Youth Empowerment a milestone project generating formal employment & income opportunities for Zanzibari youth in permaculture.

The project was launched in 2016 to generate opportunities in particular through green jobs by building capacity and practical knowledge as well as connecting project beneficiaries to real work experiences.

2015 — 2018


The course includes lessons and training in the history of permaculture, permaculture design, passive cooling and heating, soil composition, composting, mulching, seedling care, food production, water conservation and management, rainwater catchment, erosion control, entrepreneurship, medicinal plants, and extensive soft skills training among other subjects. The training also included a three month internship at the Fumba Town Service Center (now PDC). During this internship topics were reinforced to a deeper extent on a practical level including, nursery management and seedling methodology, plant identification and uses, composting and soil building methodology, waste collection and usage, worm growing and cultivation, beekeeping, and “Community Soft Skill Practical Training” assisted by Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO).

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Jesuit priest and scientist

"The future belongs to those who give the next generation hope."


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Contact & Location

Permaculture Design Company
+255 757 334 156

We are located in Fumba, Nyamanzi!

Find us on the map
P.O. Box 3564

Zanzibar Urban West
