Our Mission is to awaken the insight into the necessity & profitability to implement permaculture principles for projects among urban developments.

Learn more about us

Why use Permaculture in Urban Developments

Our Vision is to implement the UN sustainable development goals into urban settlements by using the permaculture design principles.

Expand, share knowledge and competency, through documentation and research within the company as well as outside through education, partnerships, training and motivation to replicate.

By integrating permaculture design into how we design & build our cities, and within the ways that we live in them, we can produce and recycle much of what we need, we no longer have to place an undue burden on the resources. Although human beings have indeed caused a lot of damage to our world, we are inherently part of nature, and therefore we can play a major role in our planet’s healing.
Email us if you want to know more!

The 12 Principles of Permaculture

Permaculture gives us a range of practical solutions for a better world. To help us understand how permaculture leads us to a more ethical and sustainable way of life, it’s useful to look at a list of twelve design principles.

  1. Observe and Interact
  2. Catch and Store Energy
  3. Obtain a Yield
  4. Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback
  5. Use and Value Renewables Resources & Services
  6. Produce No Waste
  7. Design from Patterns to Details
  8. Integrate rather than Segregate
  9. Use Small & Slow Solutions
  10. Use and Value Diversity
  11. Use Edges and Value the Marginal
  12. Creatively Use and Respond to Change

Why use Permaculture?

You can use the force of nature to your advantage and reduce your environmental impact!

Live within the ecological systems instead of exploiting them. Reclaim and regenerate already damaged areas. It will create beautiful landscapes.

Permaculture draws from the wisdoms and practices of sustainable indigenous and traditional cultures and enriches this knowledge with insights from contemporary earth and design sciences. Permaculture is a forward-thinking design system based on principles found in nature. Its purpose is to create living environments that are harmonious, sustainable and productive.

Permaculture c
ombines three key aspects

1. An ethical framework: earth care, people care, fair shares
2. Understandings of how nature works
3. A design approach

This unique combination provides a toolkit that is used to design regenerative systems at all scales - from home and garden to community, farm and bioregions around the world.

Benefits of Permaculture Design

Permaculture is an attractive option for urban developers and landowners because of its numerous benefits. Just some of the benefits include:

→ Less waste - Everything within the permaculture system is utilized; like using garden waste as fertilizer. The use of waste and by-products is one of the reasons why permaculture is sustainable.
→ Saves on water - Permaculture also involves utilizing rainwater and wastewater, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
→ Economically feasible - It is cost-efficient since permaculture systems require less maintenance.
→ Permaculture helps your property withstand the effects of climate change and answer the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

What we do

We are experts in designing and managing ecosystems in a way that work best for tenants and the environment. Our design approaches vary from client to client depending on individual goals, land context, and desired and existing enterprises.

We approach all designs with a regenerative mindset and commonly employ techniques and a toolbox in permaculture design.

We design landscapes to be healthy and productive for the long term.

We use the right plant at the right place and choose indigenous and endemic plants that are naturally sustainable and resilient and not susceptible to pests and diseases. We don’t use synthetic chemicals and make our own organic pesticides and fertilizers.

We are implementing rainwater absorption and catchment systems.

We are implementing a natural drainage system where planted boxes receive and absorb rainwater from sidewalks, roofs and streets. This is the Green drain. It includes several layers of organic matter and a dominant canopy tree is planted and covered with mulch. The surface of the Green drain is below the surrounding grade, which is enough to allow the water to be retained, while it infiltrates. Plants with deep fibrous roots will ensure cleaning and filtering off the water.

We use recycled materials in our landscapes from compost to construction materials.

We source materials and manpower locally to save and minimize our carbon footprint.

Jane Jacobs - Urban Planning Activist

"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody."


Get in contact

Contact & Location

Permaculture Design Company info@permaculturedesign.africa
+255 757 334 156

We are located in Fumba, Nyamanzi!

Find us on the map
P.O. Box 3564

Zanzibar Urban West
